
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park,
		September 15th 1914]

Present		All the Directors except Messrs Baxter & Green.

Minutes		The minutes of the last meeting were read and

		The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Green stating
		that having volunteered and been accepted for Foreign
		service in the Second West Lancashire Field Ambulance
		Corps he would not be able to attend the Board
		meetings for possibly quite a lengthy period. It was
		resolved that under the circumstances Mr. Green's seat
		on the Directorate be retained for him.

		The Secretary read draft of proposed letter to the F.A.
		with the details of the proposal to inaugurate a
		competition in aid of the War Relief Fund and he
		was instructed to forward such letter to the F.A.

John Page	The Secretary reported that he had not as yet heard
		from Gainsborough Trinity hereon.

Athletes	The Chairman reported his attendance at the meeting
Volunteer Force	last Thursday evening and that the Liverpool Club
		had appointed a deputation to confer with us as to
		players training. The Chairman, Mr. Wright
		and the Secretary were appointed a Sub-Committee
		to confer with Liverpool with full powers as to the
		formation of a Rifle Range.

		The Secretary reported that the collection last
		Saturday in aid of the War Fund amounted to £9.0.7.