53 from August 31st 1914 until affairs had settled down after the hostilities, owing to the fact that nearly all their customers had cancelled their advertising orders owing to the War. The Secretary was instructed to reply expressing regret that we were unable to relieve them from their obligations under Contract. The Secretary was instructed to advertise our matches in the Daily Post weekly periodical "What's Doing" at 6/- per insertion. The Secretary's action in refunding to Messrs G. Routledge, W. Kealing and J. Woollam the s d s s respective sums of 10/6, 15/- & 15/- (monies paid by them for Season Tickets) owing to their being called to the front, was confirmed. The Secretary was instructed to place on the Agenda for the next meeting salaries of permanent officials. Transfer of E. A. Gotts to B. Brindle Shares Three part paid shares Nod. 972/4 Passed Sept. 15 1914 W. R. Clayton