52 Director on the Gate - Dr. J. C. Baxter. Director to Bury Mr. Green. The Secretary was instructed to offer full facilities for the attendance of Recruiting Officers on the ground and addresses to the public on Saturday next, to arrange if possible for a Military Band and to obtain the assistance of the Boy Scouts to take up a collection in aid of the War Fund and to purchase a few flags and generally to make arrangements for the match. Gwladys The Secretary reported that the Solicitors for the Street respective Vendors were pressing for an exchange of contracts and he was instructed to hold the matter over for the time being and to notify Messrs Alsop, Stevens & Co. that we would require a similar undertaking from their Clients as to releasing their rights to enforce restrictive covenants as had been given by the Vendors of adjoining properties. Drilling and The consideration of the erection of Rifle Targets was Rifle Practice deferred until the next meeting. New Players The Secretary reported that Blackpool asked £900 for Jones and £800 for Robson. That Burnley had declined an offer of £200 for Reid. That Huddersfield Town were prepared to negotiate for the transfer of F. E. Bullock. No action. Hoardings The Secretary read a circular letter from Messrs David Allen & Son. expressing regret at having to request to be relieved from their obligation to pay rent for the hoardings