48 Team v Fern Burnley Thompson Maconnachie Fleetwood Galt Grenyer Chedgzoy Jefferis Parker Clennell Harrison Reserve- Nuttall. Team v Mitchell Bury Simpson Wareing Brown Challinor Roy Houston Kirsopp Taylor Wright Palmer Reserve- Roberts Director on Gate Septr. 5 Mr. Green. do to Hanley " 1: The Secretary. do to Tottenham & Newcastle Messrs Coffey & Kirkwood. do to Burnley Mr. Kirkwood Transfer of E. A. Bainbridge to W. H. Moss Shares One part paid share No. 1561 M. V. Bainbridge to W. H. Moss One part paid share No. 626 Thomas Cross to W. H. Moss One part paid share No. 571 E. A. Lawson to A. Goulbourn One part paid share No. 982 Declaration and Indemnity in lieu of Scrip James Garnett to Edgar Hodgson Three part paid shares Nos. 2141/2143 Declaration and Indemnity in lien of Scrip John A. McWilliam to Nellie Hodgson One full paid share No. 2354 One part paid share No. 1074