47 Trinity who feared they could not commence their season owing to the War and his suggestion that we offer Page an engagement if he could get his transfer from Gainsborough was adopted and he was instructed to offer him £2 per week. Athletes The Secretary read a circular received hereon Volunteer Force and stated that with the consent of the Directors a goodly number of the players would join such Voluntary Force which was being organized with a view to the possible defence of the Country. Consent was readily given. Dr. Baxter reported that Weller was progressing favourably but that he would be 2 or 3 weeks before he fully recovered. Team v Mitchell Port Vale Simpson Wareing Brown Challinor Roy Houston Kirsopp Taylor Wright Palmer Reserve- Roberts Team v Fern Tottenham Hotspur Thompson Maconnachie Fleetwood Galt Grenyer Chedgzoy Jefferis Parker Clennell Harrison Reserve- Nuttall Team v Newcastle Same team United