44 business relations with this gentleman be discontinued and that he be not granted a complimentary season ticket. Prince of The Secretary read the circular letters from the Wales Fund Football Association and the Lancashire F.A. hereon and he was instructed to write the Football Association to ascertain the exact meaning of their circular letter which appeared somewhat vague and the further consideration thereof was deferred. Third Team The Chairman, Mr. Green and the Secretary & Fixtures were appointed a Committee to arrange the Third Team and fixtures and it was resolved that John Fare be in charge thereof and to pay particular attention to the opposing teams and to report to the Directors on the form shown by each member of our team and of any likely players in opposing teams and also on local football matters generally. Roy The Secretary was instructed to pay Broxburn United F.C. the balance of James Roy's transfer fee £25. The action of the Secretary in accepting Messrs Griffiths & Ashcroft's tender of £2:17:6 for painting the result board with our materials was confirmed. The purchase of a railway contract at £6:12:6 for William Wareing was confirmed. The Secretary was instructed to pay 3/- the cost of replacing broken windows at Nos. 18 and 32