
Programme	The Secretary read Mr. Morton's letter of the 30th ult.
Tender		hereon intimating that the differences between himself
		and Mr. Herbert Hartley had been adjusted
		satisfactorily to both parties and he was thereupon
		instructed to accept Mr. Morton's tender for
		Programme privileges for season 1914-15 at a
		rent of £85.

Third Team	The Secretary submitted a list of Clubs who had
& Fixtures	applied for fixtures and the Chairman having
		intimated that applications would shortly be
		received from Clubs of the Liverpool County
		Combination and West Cheshire League, the
		granting of fixtures was deferred for the present.

Open dates	The Secretary was instructed to offer the Northern
		Nomads a fixture at Goodison Park on September
		19th on one third gross gate terms.

		The action of the Secretary in accepting the tender
		of Thomas Forman & Sons for 850 fixture cards for
		£20 new half tone block extra, Messrs Tinling's tender
		for Season Tickets for £27:7:6 was confirmed.

		The appointment of Mr. Richard Brown as Official
		Photographer was approved.

		The Secretary read a letter from Lance Johnston
		reporting steady progress, also a letter from Mr. T. P.
		Greenhalgh suggesting the installation of a printing
		apparatus for programmes etc. on our ground which
		was declined.

		A grant of three guineas was made to the Liverpool