
		the last of which letters it appeared that
		he had been unable to come to a
		working arrangement with Mr. Hartley.
		The Chairman mentioned that Mr.
		Morton had been to see him on the matter
		and it was resolved:
		That Mr. Morton be granted a further
		seven days within which to come to a
		satisfactory arrangement with Mr. H.
		Hartley, failing this the Programme
		rights be offered to each of them
		separately to tender for and that the
		highest tender be accepted subject to
		suitable guarantees for the due fulfilment
		of the contract, and provided that the
		tender is at least equal in amount to
		that now paid by Mr. Morton.

J. H. Galt	The payment of £1250 for the transfer by
		Rangers to us of J. H. Galt was confirmed.

McFadyen	The Secretary reported that North End
		were prepared to accept £200 for the
		transfer of McFadyen, & he was instructed
		to negotiate up to that figure.

		Resolved that the Secretary be instructed
		to report to the Board at their next
		meeting all or any offers made to
		him for the sale of shares in this Co.

A. H. Thompson	An invitation to subscribe to a testimonial
		to Mr. A. H. Thompson ex-pres of the Irish F.A.
		was not entertained.