
Beare		The transfer of Geo. Beare to Cardiff City for
		£300, the payment to be by three Bills
		for £100 each payable on
			October 12
			November 9
			December 7.
		This arrangement was confirmed.

Overdraft	The Chairman reported that he had
		arranged with our Bankers for an
		overdraft up to £10000. Confirmed.

Captains	1st J. H. Galt		T. Fleetwood
Sub do		2nd W. Stevenson	T. Nuttall

Practice	Plans supplied by Mr. A. J. Kelly was
ground		submitted showing.
		a) An area of 3214 5/9 square yards of land
		   which in the opinion of Mr. A. J. Kelly
		   might be sold - leaving on the north
		   side thereof a margin of 15 feet between
		   such boundary and the southernmost
		   point of our goal stand.
		b) A plan showing how such land could be
		   dealt with.

		The Secretary was instructed to have copies
		made of the plan (a) and distributed
		amongst the Board; the further consideration
		of the proposed scheme was deferred.

Programme	The Secretary read the following correspondence
Tender		of the 12th May 1914, 1st June 1914 and
		12 June 1914 from Mr. E. A. Morton from