
Brown		The engagement of Wm. Brown at £3 per week
		with a Bonus of £10, the club to allow &
		find him employment as an apprentice
		engineer; that if his engagement is
		terminated at 30th April 1915 the club
		will find him employment as an apprentice
		Engineer in or around Glasgow; that if
		he is not engaged by us at the end of this
		season at the above terms he be entitled
		to a free transfer; and that he receive
		the maximum wage when he plays on a
		League match or English Cup tie was confirmed.

Central League	The Secretary reported that the Central
		League had granted us permission to
		obtain four extra medals and he was
		instructed to distribute the 15 accordingly.

Undated		It was explained that the payment by us to
fixtures	Oldham Athletic of £60 was in consideration
		of that club waiving its right to play at
		home on Xmas Day thus enabling us
		to play Bradford City here on that date
		and that Bradford City were to pay to
		Oldham A. a similar sum.

New players	The Secretary reported that all the clubs
		written to replied declining to transfer
		the players concerned.

Gwladys		The Secretary reported that the negotiations
St.		herein were proceeding slowly but that
		he anticipated the satisfactory removal
		of the restrictions or some of them.