29 [Annual Meeting of Shareholders held at the Central Hall, Renshaw Street, Liverpool, June 15th 1914] W. R. Clayton Esq. Presiding The Secretary having read the notice convening the meeting it was unanimously resolved that the statement of accounts and balance sheet be taken as read. Press It was resolved that the Press be admitted to the meeting. The Secretary read the Auditors report on the accounts and balance sheet to the Shareholders. The Chairman in moving that the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet be approved and passed reviewed the work of the Club during the past season and enlarged upon the excessive fees demanded for the transfer of players and the difficulty experienced on all hands in obtaining class players. Halsall Mr. Kelly having seconded the proposition, several questions were put by the Shareholders and having been answered by the Chairman, the resolution that the Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts be approved and passed was carried unanimously. Election of The following gentlemen submitted their names Directors for election to the Directorate:-