301 The Secretary reported the receipt of £1:17:3 being 10% for Seasons 1914-15 and 1915-16 of the gross takings by the City Caterers at their Cafe under the 1/- Stand at the North end of Bullens Road. That Clennell had sustained injuries at the Liverpool and Everton match on the 6th inst. which caused his absence from work during the following week. The payment of his wages for such week amounting to £1.15.3. was sanctioned. That he had received a letter from Tom Fern stating that he was being treated by Dr. Nixon for broken ribs through injuries sustained at Anfield on the 6th inst. That with the Liverpool Club he had audited the accounts of the Programme Syndicate from which it appeared that there was a profit of £90:10:9 and now produced copy statement thereof. That according to the Minutes of our Meeting of August 17th 1915 and his (the Secretary's) letter to Mr. Morton of the following day, Everton and Liverpool were entitled to one third between them of the net profits, but that Mr. McKenna and our Chairman were of the opinion that the arrangement made with Mr. Morton was that one third of the profits should be paid to Mr. Morton, Liverpool Club and Everton Club respectively and that in accordance with that opinion he the Secretary had Yesterday written Mr. Morton that his letter of August 18th 1915 must be read to indicate that such profits were divisible into three equal shares and that Liverpool and ourselves would expect to receive £30:3:7 each. The Chairman stated that Mr. Williams of Liverpool last night informed him that his recollection of the arrangement coincided with the terms as set out in our Minutes of August 17th 1915 and letter of the following day and with Mr. Morton's recollection but several of the Directors present