301 B Maconnachie £10, League Contribution Scheme £173.16.0, Chelsea £74.2.5, E. A. Morton £30, City Caterers £1.17.3. That the sum of £794 be written off in the books as doubtful debts, these consisted of £450 Arsenal F.C., £300 Cardiff City F.C., £35 St. Mirren F.C., £15 Stockport County F.C., less amount received on the re-enlistment of Pte. C. F. Evans £6. 2. That a depreciation of 10% be written off Stands, Hoardings and erections amounting to £1075.18.10. 3. That the amount expended on Clothing Material and Stores £69.3.4 be written off against Income and Expenditure account. 4. That the Statement of Accounts, Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss account be approved. 5. That a Dividend of 5% on paid up capital (free of Income tax) be recommended. 6. That the Annual Meeting be fixed for the 5th June at 8 o'clock at the Central Hall, Renshaw Street, Liverpool. 7. That no proxies be issued by the Club and that admission to the Meeting be on presentation of Balance Sheet. 8. That the Balance Sheets be issued from the Offices of the Company by the Secretary. The next Meeting of the Directors was fixed for the Hotel St. George at 6:30 p.m. on June 5th and that Tea be ordered. June 2nd 1916 W. R. Clayton.