301 A were of a similar opinion to our Chairman and Mr. McKenna and it was accordingly resolved to await Mr. Morton's reply to the Secretary's letter of May 17th. It was unanimously resolved that the Secretary write Mr. A. Coffey a letter condoling with him on the loss he has sustained in the death of his brother Mr. John Coffey. Players It was resolved that the players be invited to a Dinner to be Entertainment held on a suitable date and place and at which it was hoped to present the Medals given by the Lord Mayor. The Secretary was instructed to make inquiries as to the most suitable date on which this function could be held. F. A. It being reported that the Annual Meeting was proposed to Annual be held on the 29th inst., it was thought unnecessary for our Meeting club to be specially represented, but the matter was left in the hands of the Chairman and Secretary. An application by the Secretary for the re-consideration of his salary was considered and it was resolved that the present time was inopportune, but a grant of £25 was made to the Secretary and accepted by him with many thanks. Annual The Secretary having presented Income, Expenditure, Profit Accounts and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year ending April 30th 1916, Mr. Bowler explained same in detail and the following resolutions were passed:- 1. That the amounts due from Sundry Debtors be valued for the purposes of the Balance Sheet at £532:15:8 on open accounts, it being reported that this amount consisted of £233 from the Football League, Stockport County £10,