300 John H. Bell to Thomas A. Thorougood 3 partly paid shares Nod. 340 to 342 Passed. An application by the Sports Committee for the use of our ground on July 1st for an Athletic & Cycling Meeting in aid of the Roll of Honour Fund was declined. The use of the ground to the Liverpool Schools F. A. for May 24th was granted. An application by the Boy Scouts Association for the use of our ground on the 3rd or 4th Saturday in June for a Rally was declined. Houston The consideration of an application from Linfield F. C. for the use of Houston's services for next season on similar terms to last season was deferred. The Secretary reported the receipt of £233 from the League Pooling Fund being our share of the April pool and that he estimated that the amount due to us in respect of the 50% of our 10% contributions for Charitable purposes for the concluding 4 months of the Season would be £173.16.0. The Secretary read an acknowledgment from the Lord Mayor of cheque for £336:1:9 being the gross proceeds of the Liverpool & Everton match on May 6th and that he had addressed a similar acknowledgment to the Liverpool Club. The payment to the League Insurance Federation of a further levy of £4:10:0 was confirmed as were the payments to Corish & Woodcock of £15:16:4 for timber and £300 to R. W. Burnand on account of his contract for painting.