
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel
		May 19th 1916.]

Present		W. R. Clayton Esq. (Chair)
		Messrs  J. C. Baxter
			H. Banks
			A. Coffey
			J. Davies
			J. G. Davies
			H. Halsall
			B. Kelly

Minutes		The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Liverpool v	The Secretary reported that the expenses of this match
Everton		were £8:4:10 and cheque for £4:2:5 our share
May 6th		thereof was ordered to be sent.

Bonus A/c	The Secretary read replies to his applications to Arsenal F. C.
		and St. Mirren F. C. stating that they would pay so soon
		as they were able. That no reply had been received from
		Cardiff City and that Stockport County had sent £10
		on account. The Secretary was instructed to press
		Stockport County for the balance.

		The Secretary reported the receipt of demand note for
		Poor Rate shewing that our rateable value had been increased
		from £680: 10s/- to £1250 and he was instructed to act
		jointly with Liverpool in this matter.

Transfer of	Mary Catherine Balmforth to James Clement Baxter
Shares		  5 partly paid shares Nod. 377 to 381
		Stuart H. Bell to Frank Thorougood
		  3 partly paid shares Nod. 343 to 345.