
		the amounts paid to the League being 10% of the gate
		less expenses £67. 7. 8 and in respect of the 50% under
		the pooling arrangement £303. 4. 4 were confirmed.

		That he had paid compensation for loss of work through
		injury or illness through playing football to the
		following players which were confirmed:-
		Clennell for week ending Feb. 26th	  £1. 13. 6
		and for weeks ending March 4th & 11th	  £3.  6. 4
		Thompson for week ending Apl. 1st	  £1. 15. 0
		Also that William Brown had been off work for the
		week ending March 25th owing to an injury sustained
		on March 18th.	The payment of his wages 30s/-
		was sanctioned and the Secretary was instructed to
		make claims on the League Insurance Federation for
		these several amounts.

Team v				  Fern
Manchester		Thompson	Maconnachie 
United		Brown		Fleetwood	Wareing
		Chedgzoy Kirsopp Rigsby Clennell Harrison

		Reserves:- Simpson, Grenyer, Jefferis, Williamson.

Director on Gate Mr. Coffey

		The Secretary was instructed to purchase 24 1s/- tickets
		for the benefit of Walter Scott of Belfast United F. C.

		An Application from Mr. S. G. Moore on behalf of the
		Stanley Cricket club for financial assistance was

		The use of the ground was granted for the final tie