The Everton Football Club Company Limited. BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30th APRIL, 1914. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Nominal Capital £2500, in 2500 Shares Freehold Land at cost ................... 8579 15 9 of £1 each ................................. 2500 0 0 Stands, Hoardings and Erections at Goodison Park, as at 30th April, 1913 13283 3 6 Issued Capital— Less 10% now written off for 2210 Shares issued and allotted on depreciation .................. 1328 6 4 11954 17 2 which 15/- per Share has been called and paid up ...................... 1657 10 0 Fixtures, Fittings, Furniture, Implements, 290 Bonus Shares issued and &c., as at 30th April, 1913 669 9 3 allotted to Old Members .................. 290 0 0 Additions for Year ...................... 6 0 0 1947 10 0 675 9 3 2500 Less half now written off for depreciation .................. 337 14 8 Sundry Creditors ........................................ 481 2 1 337 14 7 Unclaimed Dividends ..................................... 42 18 4 Sundry Debtors, as valued by the Directors 45 0 0 Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss Account ............ 19534 9 10 Sundry Deposits ......................... 11 8 0 Cash in hand ............................ 145 14 11 Cash in Bank ............................ 931 9 10 1077 4 9 £22006 0 3 £22006 0 3 Signed on behalf of the Board, W. R. CLAYTON D. KIRKWOOD Directors. W. C. CUFF, Secretary. We have examined the accounts of the Company, and the above Balance Sheet, and, in accordance with the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908 have addressed a separate report thereon to the shareholders. T. THEO. ROGERS, BOWLER & CO. 30 NORTH JOHN STREET, LIVERPOOL, Chartered Accountants MAY 19th, 1914