281 Johnson Fleetwood Grenyer Chedgzoy Kirsopp Williamson Rigsby Harrison. Reserves:- Wareing, Jefferis, Clennell. Director to Oldham Mr. Banks, and it was resolved that the journey between Manchester and Oldham should be made by Taxi Cabs. The Secretary's action in granting the use of our ground for Wednesday, April 5th, for the final tie of the Schools Secondary Shield was confirmed. The Chairman reported that he had arranged with the Liverpool F. C. to play a match at Anfield on May 6th in aid of the Lord Mayor's Roll of Honour Week Fund and this was confirmed. The payment of the telephone rent £24 was confirmed. South Liverpool Mr. Kelly was deputed to visit this game and report. v Tranmere Rovers The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday at the Bradford Hotel at 2:15 p.m. B. Kelly