
		Easter Monday morning for the final of the Walker
		Charity Cup, but that he did not think it would
		affect the Liverpool Schools gate.
		The Chairman informed the Board that in his
		recent interview with Councillor Walker he had
		informed the Councillor that our only reason for
		declining the use of Goodison Park was in conformity
		with our arrangements with the Liverpool Club made
		at the beginning of the season and that but for such
		arrangements we would have been quite willing to grant
		them the use of our ground and that we would agree to
		the match being played at Anfield on Good Friday
		morning or at Goodison Park on Easter Monday morning.
		The Secretary mentioned that he had informed Mr. McKenna
		in his conversation that he had heard that the Councillor
		Walker Charity match was to be played at Anfield on
		Good Friday morning but Mr. McKenna denied that this
		was so as they were indisposed to allow their ground to
		be used on a Good Friday morning owing to their close
		proximity to a place of worship.
		After discussion it was resolved that the Secretary repeat
		to the Liverpool Club our Chairman's statement to
		Councillor Walker, namely, that we would consent
		to the Charity Cup being played at Goodison Park on
		Easter Monday morning or at Anfield on Good Friday
		The Secretary was further instructed to write Mr. Waddington
		that we could not take over any guarantee that they might
		enter into with the Glasgow Schools F. A. but that they were
		welcome to the free use of Goodison Park on April 15th or 22nd,
		the only Saturdays on which our ground remained
		available, at their own risk.

Painting	The Secretary read his letter of acceptance of Burnand's estimate