277 That Messrs Kelly and Banks had examined the estimates and that on their instructions, he the Secretary had, with them, prepared a specification of the work to be done and had sent copies thereof to Messrs R. W. Burnand and C. Cottrell & Son. That these firms had replied that the work so specified to be done had been covered by their respective estimates. It was resolved that the work as set out in the before mentioned specification be done and that the tender of Mr. R. W. Burnand for the sum of £875 be accepted. That the work be finished to the satisfaction of the Directors on or before July 31st 1916 and that payments be made on account of work done from time to time to the Contractor up to 75% thereof on the certificates of Messrs Kelly and Banks. The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday at 2:15 p.m. at the Bradford Hotel. March 22nd 1916 W. R. Clayton