
Director on the Gate -  Mr. Kelly

		The Secretary reported that the receipts of our match on
		Saturday last were £217: 11: 9 and the payments of
		£20: 6: 3 being 10% of such receipts (less expenses) to
		the League and £91: 8: 2 being 50% of the net
		balance to the League Pooling Fund were confirmed.

Liverpool	The Secretary read a letter of March 8th from Mr.
Schools F. A.	C. Waddington enclosing a letter from the Chairman
		of the Glasgow Primary Schools F. A. in which home
		and home fixtures at Glasgow and Liverpool were
		suggested on half net gate terms with a guarantee of
		£30. Mr. Waddington wrote that the Liverpool
		Schools F. A. with their limited income could not hope
		to meet such guarantee and suggested that the
		Everton Club come to their aid and undertake the
		match at Goodison Park. After discussion the 
		Secretary was instructed to reply, subject to
		Liverpool's approval, offering the Liverpool Schools F. A.
		the free use of our ground on Good Friday or any
		Saturday afternoon during the season on which the
		ground was not engaged, but that we could not
		guarantee the sum of £30 desired.

Tenders for	The Secretary reported that the following tenders had
Painting	been received:-
			R. W. Burnand			 £875:  0: 0
			C. Cottrell & Son		 £979: 15: 6
			Bullen Bros. Ltd.      		£1095:  5: 0
			S. R. Henshaw & Son     	£1136:  0: 0
			Alex. White & Sons Ltd. 	£1831: 13: 0

		That J. A. Cooper, J. L. Lowe & Son, Alcock & Backhouse, J. W.
		Birch and J. A. McBulloch regretted their inability to tender.