THE Everton Football Club Company Ltd. 847 GOODISON PARK, LIVERPOOL, JUNE 4TH, 1914 DEAR SIR, I am instructed by the Directors to inform you that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held on MONDAY, THE 15TH DAY OF JUNE, at Eight o'clock sharp, in the CENTRAL HALL, RENSHAW STREET, LIVERPOOL. Admission on presentation of Balance Sheet. The Directors recommend the payment of a Dividend at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum on called up capital. The retiring Directors are MESSRS. H. ALLMAN, J. DAVIES, and H. WRIGHT; the first named gentleman having recently resigned, does not offer himself for re-election. The following gentlemen have also been duly nominated for election to the Directorate: MR. HERBERT HALSALL, of 170 Prenton Road West, Birkenhead, and Mr. G. F. T. Nicholls, of 98 Jubilee Drive, Kensington, Liverpool. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 6th day of July, 1914. Herewith please find Statement of Accounts for Season ending April 30th, 1914. Yours truly, W. C. CUFF, Secretary. BUSINESS: To transact the General Business of the Company.