
			Thompson	Maconnachie
		    Brown	Wareing		Grenyer
		Chedgzoy  Kirsopp  Fleetwood  Clennell  Harrison

		If Parker plays then Brown drops out and
		Fleetwood takes his place.

		Reserves: - Smith & Simpson.

Directors to Stockport - Messrs Clayton, Banks, Coffey & Halsall.

		The Secretary was instructed to pay Thompson's
		expenses to and from Newcastle if he came down.

The Oldham	The Secretary was instructed to place this matter on
game		the agenda for next Meeting.

Transfer of	William Bushell to Francis A. Bushell
Shares		  One fully paid share No. 2188
		  One partly paid share No. 1071

		The next Meeting was fixed for Wednesday the 23rd
		inst. at the Bradford Hotel at 2:30 p.m.

	Feby.	23/1916				W. R. Clayton