260 Director on Gate - Dr. Baxter. Painting &c. The question of painting all iron and wood work of the Stands and erections at Goodison Park was considered and the Secretary was instructed to invite tenders for same. Mr. Kelly having pointed out the advisability of having certain brick work done at Goodison Park, the matter was left in the hands of himself and the Secretary to have same completed. The Secretary was instructed to place the following item on the Agenda for next Meeting :- That a Director be elected in place of Mr. Horace Wright, resigned. The next Meeting was fixed for Wednesday February 2nd at 2:30 p.m. at the Bradford Hotel. The Secretary referred to the Press reports with reference to the charge against our old player Sandy Young and his suggestion that a cable be sent to the Chief of Police at Melbourne intimating that we could testify to Young's mental unsoundness was adopted. Feby. 2nd 1916 W. R. Clayton