255 Endow a granted by the Everton Club to a Local Institution or bed at Stanley Institutions should take some permanent form, the Hos. provision of an Everton Bed in one of the Hospitals being mentioned. That he had given Roberts permission to play for Tranmere Rovers and Challinor to play for Rochdale - confirmed. That the League had requested an explanation from us as to our delay in commencing the game and playing 2 men short for 10 minutes on the occasion of our match v Rochdale on the 8th inst. and that he the Secretary had written an explanation accordingly. That Oldham Athletic had suggested the playing of our abandoned League match at Oldham on Easter Monday and that he had replied that we could not decide the matter at present and that we were entitled to a home match on that date in accordance with our arrangements with Liverpool F. C. That the gross receipts of our match v Rochdale were £261:3:1 and the match expenses £15:3:10 and the payment of £24:12:0 being 10% of the net gate to the League was confirmed. That the gross receipts of our match today were £324:3:6, the match expenses £14:11:7 and the payment of £30:19:2 being 10% of the net gate to the League was confirmed. That owing to injuries sustained in the friendly match v Liverpool, Wareing and Clennell had lost a week's work respectively and Kirsopp two weeks and subject to the approval