25 Nos. 38/48 The Secretary read Vendors Solicitors letter regarding our undertaking & advised that would be safe in giving our undertaking that the main wall (of the stand proposed to be erected) fronting to Gwladys Street would be of an ornamental character similar to the wall of our west stand fronting to Goodison road, that no advertisements would be permitted on such wall and that such wall would be set back to a building line similar to the front doors of the houses Nos. 38/48. The Secretary was instructed to offer to give a written undertaking on these lines. Nos. 2 to 12 The Secretary reported that Vendors had enlarged our offer as to payment of Vendors Solicitors Costs so as to cover their mortgage Costs & that he proposed to object thereto. Beare The Secretary reported that Beare had submitted an application for reduction of his transfer fee & he was instructed to accept £300. T. Stevens The Secretary was instructed to reply to Stevens request for reduction of transfer fee that we would deal with same upon receipt of an application from a club desirous of his services. J. Page The Secretary's action in removing the name of J. Page from our Central League transfer list - he having been transferred