252 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park January 8th 1916] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies Kelly Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of the Finance Meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary reported his attendance at the meeting of clubs convened by Blackpool and that whilst a proposal to regroup the clubs in the Subsidiary Competition was rejected it was felt that owing to unfore- seen circumstances the present grouping constituted a hardship on one of the groups and it was resolved that the members present recommend to their respective directorates that the following arrangement be adopted and Rule 8 (page 47) be amended to cover same:- "delete the words following "deducted" and substitute "after which the balance shall "be divided into 2 equal parts; the home club "to retain one of such parts and the other to "be paid to a common fund and divided "equally amongst the 12 clubs (forming the "2 Lancashire groups) at the close of the "Competition." After discussing same it was resolved to support this arrangement.