
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park,
		December 27th 1915.]

Present		All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green.

Team v				Fern
Oldham			Thompson	Maconnachie
Athletic	   Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
Jan. 1st 1916	Chedgzoy  Kirsopp  Parker  Clennell  Harrison

		If Parker not available, Fleetwood to play centre forward
		and Brown right half back.

		Reserves:- Simpson, Brown, Jefferis, Howarth.

Directors to Oldham - Messrs Clayton & Halsall.

		The following Christmas boxes were granted:-
				W. C. Cuff	10.10.0
				Fred		 1.17.6
				Elliott		 3. 0.0
				Weston		 2. 0.0
				Smith		 1.10.0
				Mrs. Kennedy	   12.6
				Postman		    5.0

Players		It was resolved that a Christmas box to the value of 25/-
Christmas	be granted to each of the players and the Secretary
boxes		was directed to ascertain each players wish and to
		act accordingly.

		The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday, January 5th
		at 2.30 pm. at the Bradford Hotel.

Jany. 5th 1916					W. R. Clayton