
		Challinor	32	Mitchell	21	Bradshaw	16
		Palmer		28	Page T.		20	Kirby		16
		Brannick	26	Stevenson	20	Chedgzoy	14
		Wright		23	Weller		19	Wareing		14
		Roy		22	Beare		18

		It was resolved to ask the Central League for
		permission to being 3 extra medals for players
		and one for the 2nd team trainer.

Fixtures	Sep.	 2	Tottenham Hotspur	Away
for 1914/15		 7	Burnley			do
		Dec.	25	Bradford City		Home
			26		do		Away
		Jany.	 1	Tottenham Hotspur	Home
		Apl.	 2	Burnley			Home
		with a payment to Oldham Athletic of
		£60 were confirmed.

New Players	The Secretary was instructed to write
		   Bradford	re	T. S. Little
		Crystal Palace	re	E. A. Smith
		   West Ham	re	W. H. Puddefoot
		   Hull City	re	Stevens

Gwladys		The Secretary reported the receipt of draft
Street		contract for the sale at Nos. 2 to 12
No. 2/12	That a similar restriction to that affecting
		Nos. 14 to 36 affected Nos. 2 to 12.
Nos. 14/36	That he had informed the Vendor & Solicitors
		that unless the restrictions were removed
		the negotiations must be determined & they
		promised to take Council's opinion, as to the
		removal thereof.