
Team v				 Fern
Manchester		Thompson	Maconnachie
United		    Brown	Wareing		Grenyer
		Chedgzoy  Kirsopp  Fleetwood  Clennell  Harrison

		Reserves :- Simpson, Howarth.

Director on Gate - Mr. Halsall.

		The Secretary reported that he had made arrangements
		with the Balmoral Private Hotel, Blackpool, for the
		accommodation of our players from the 17th to the
		19th inst.

		An application for the use of our ground on
		Christmas morning for a match in aid of the
		wounded soldiers was declined.

		The next meeting was fixed for the Bradford Hotel
		on Wednesday the 15th inst. at 2:30 p.m.

Dec. 15th 1915					W. R. Clayton