
Players return	The Secretary was instructed to notify
		the players to report themselves at this
		office on August 4th.

Players acting	Deferred.

L'pool Senior	The arrangements herein were left with
Cup		our representatives on the County F.A.

Election of	Dr. Baxter was nominated for
Divisional Rep.	Division 3.

Empress of	Resolved that a donation of Twenty
Ireland Fund	guineas be sent to the Lord Mayors Fund.

Kirsopp		That a donation of £2 be sent to Mr.

Allen		That we offer to accept £20 from Rochdale
		for Jno. Allen upon prompt payment.

Bovril		Bovrils tender for next season at £1710
		was accepted.

Wm. McArthur	Payment of his expenses 20/- was passed.

Fox		Bradford City wrote that they could not
		entertain a proposal for the transfer of
		this player.

Central League	The Secretary reported that the
Championship	following 14 players appeared in 14 or
Medals		more Central League games