234 [Meeting of the Directors held at the Bradford Hotel November 17th 1915] Present All the Directors except Messrs Green and Wright. In the absence of the Chairman Dr. Baxter was voted to the chair. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. The match at Preston was reported. At this point Mr. Clayton having arrived took the chair. The Secretary read Parker's letter of the 10th inst. re his inability to play on Saturday last. The Secretary reported that he had granted the use of our ground to the Liverpool Schools F.A. on December 18th and January 1st - confirmed. Income Tax It was resolved that the Surveyor's offer to reduce our Accounts assessment (see page 227) by £50 which would See fos. 227,228 & reduce our assessment to £1245 be accepted. 232. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Horace Wright in which he stated that for some time he had felt out of sympathy with Football during the present crisis and he placed his resignation in the hands of the Board for acceptance. After due discussion and consideration the Secretary was instructed to inform Mr. Wright that the Board would have no alternative but to accept with regret his resignation and to intimate that it was not their intention to fill the vacancy on the Directorate caused thereby.