231 Team v Fern Burnley Thompson Maconnachie Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Chedgzoy Kirsopp Parker Clennell Harrison Reserves Jefferis, Brown, Simpson. Stewart The Secretary was instructed to allow Stewart to play for Tranmere Rovers if he so wished. Director on Gate Mr. W. R. Clayton. Football Battns. The Secretary was instructed to forward Comforts Fund a donation of Twenty pounds. 8th Irish Also a donation of Five pounds to Major Benson 8th Irish for Music &c. for the Band. League The payment of £39.16.4 (being 10% of net o/o takings Everton v Blackpool Sept. 18) to the League was confirmed. Gibbons Fund The donation of One guinea was thankfully acknowledged. Complimentary The Secretary was empowered to send Season Season tickets to various foremen as Tickets may be advisable. Transfer of Alice Quirk to Alfred R. Cook Shares 3 shares (15/- pd.) 1982 to 1984. Passed.