Parker The Secretary reported that Parker would be unable
to make the journey to Stoke owing to travelling
The Secretary reported that he had been interviewed
by the Revd. H.C. Hargreaves, Chaplain to the Forces, at
present on short leave from the front, requesting a
donation of outfits &c. for the 24th Field Ambulance
and it was resolved that a collection be taken at
the Burnley match and that a parcel be sent to
him similar to that sent to the Revd. B. W. Rowan.
The Secretary reported that he had written to the City
Treasurer with regard to our assessment for the General
Rates and that the Tour Clerk had replied that the
reduced assessment would not operate until January
1st 1916.
The Secretary read a letter from the Liverpool
Schools F.A. requesting the loan of our ground for
one Saturday per month for their Shield Competition
and he was instructed to co-operate with Liverpool F.C.
in this matter.
The Secretary reported the receipts on Saturday last
were £544:2:0 and that the percentage due to the
Football League was £54:1:6. The payment of
this amount was confirmed.
Transfer of Sydney Myles Houghton to Ralph Powis Houghton.
Shares Three partly paid shares Nod. 2010 to 2012.
C. E. Dickinson to Edward Davies.
One fully paid share No. 2376.
One partly paid share No. 1645.