226 Income Tax That in our assessment to income tax the a/cs amount expended by us £221 in connection see page 227 with the Royal Visit in 1913 had been objected to by the Surveyor. The Secretary was instructed to see what could be done. Tom Page That St. Mirren had written giving consent to our playing Tom Page. Gwladys That he the Secretary had paid James St. Hughes a/c for papering whitewashing &c. £6. Confirmed. Grenyer That Grenyer had left his work owing to insufficient wages & that unless work at a living wage (as he described it) could be secured for him he would return home but would be willing to travel & play for us at weekends. No action. The game at Bolton was reported. Team v Fern Manchester Thompson Maconnachie City Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Chedgzoy Kirsopp Parker Clennell Harrison Reserves Stewart, Brown & Jefferis. Director on gate Mr. Coffey. Next Meeting Tuesday at Office at 7.15 p.m. Octr. 26th /15 W. R. Clayton