224 Transfers of W. C. Cuff to W. C. Scott Shares 1 15/- share 1139. to Albert Goulbourn 1 15/- share 1140. to Annie Clarkson 1 15/- share 1141. B. Brindle to Geo. E. Tomlinson 3 15/- shares 972 to 974. Hy. Gilding to Jno. Wood 3 15/- shares 575/577. W. C. Scott Exor. to W. C. Scott 2 15/- shares 977 and 981. A. S. Scott from E. Trafford 3 15/- shares 1708/1710. Next meeting Tuesday Oct. 19th at 1.30 at the Bradford Hotel. Oct. 19th /15 W. R. Clayton