220 the Secretary representing Everton and the representatives of Liverpool F. C. before the assessment Committee in support of our joint appeal for the reduction of our assessments and that the Committees offer to reduce the assessment for this year by 50% was accepted by the two Clubs. The action of the deputation was confirmed. Tom Page The Secretary reported the receipt of letter from St. Mirren F. C. requesting that, owing to the recent decision of the Scottish F. A., we do not play their registered player Tom Page and that he the Secretary had written Tom Page informing him of such request. It was resolved that St. Mirren's request be acceded to. The match at Southport was reported. Team v Fern Oldham Thompson Maconnachie Athletic Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Chedgzoy Kirsopp Jefferis Clennell Roberts. Reserves:- Stewart or Simpson, Brown, Howarth. Director on Gate - Mr. Coffey. Octr. 5th 1915 W. R. Clayton