
Team v				  Fern
Southport		Thompson	Maconnachie
Central		  Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
		Chedgzoy Kirsopp Nuttall Clennell Donnachie

		Reserves with team Stewart, Brown, Jefferis.

Directors 	Messrs Clayton, Coffey, & Halsall.

Turnstiles	The loan of four turnstiles on Saturday
		next for the Military fete at Letherland
		was granted to the Secretary & he was
		given leave of absence on that day. 	

Players		The question of adequate expenses was
Expenses	raised and it was intimated that a
		meeting of the League Management
		Committee had been convened for Thursday
		when it was hoped a Schedule would
		be prepared for the guidance of clubs.
		    Expenses a/cs already sent in were
		accordingly deferred pending the result
		of such meeting.

		The Secretary was instructed to transfer
		£225 from Property a/c to General a/c.

		Letters were read from Fulham F. C. &
		James Galt with reference to the
		inclusion by the club of the latter player
		in their game v Croydon.

Septr. 28th /15				W. R. Clayton