[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
September 21st 1915]
Present All the Directors except Mr. Green.
Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read
and, as altered and initialled, confirmed.
Parker The Secretary's action in withdrawing
our Consent to Rangers playing Parker
in view of the recent decision of the Scottish
F. A. was confirmed.
The Secretary was instructed to reply
to Parker's letter.
Clennell The Secretary was instructed to ask
Clennell, if unable to work, to come
over to see Dr. Baxter.
He was instructed to pay him Compensation
and expenses for week ending Septr.
18th amounting to £2.13.6.
The Secretary reported that the Collection
on Saturday realized £20.4.8 and the
Chairman & he were deputed to send
Revd. Mr. Rowan 2 complete sets: also
footballs to local troops if possible.
Arthur Berry wrote gratefully acknowledging
receipt of two new footballs.
Complimentary The Secretary was instructed to send
Tickets complimentary tickets as usual to the
Local Theatre & Music Hall Managers.