THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE -------------------- REGULATIONS FOR PAYMENTS TO PLAYERS. ----------- 1. No payment of any kind can be made to a player for services in any capacity in connection with the club. 2. If a professional is engaged by the club for any service apart from football he is not eligible to be played in this season's competitions. 3. No recompense can be made to a player for broken or lost time. 4. Railway fares properly payable are third- class fares actually paid. 5. A professional who is not engaged in any other employment should not be played. If this regulation is broken suspicion would be at once aroused in the public mind. This season we want all players to be workers. 6. Wherever possible all payments on behalf of players should be made by the club direct, and not through the players. 7. In away matches it will be much better for the club to arrange and pay for all meals. 8. We conceive, however, that the demands of work make it impossible for players to have all their meals at the time and place arranged for by the club. In all such cases the amount to be paid by the club to any player shall not exceed 2s. 6d. per meal, unless the meal is obtained in a luncheon or dining car, or at an hotel, in which case a voucher for the amount must be obtained by the player and handed over to the secretary at the time of payment. 9. In connection with all matches the allowance for meals shall not exceed 2s. 6d. per meal. 10. In connection with some clubs, players are required to train in the evenings. If this necessi- tates the player obtaining tea away from home, he may be paid for the same not exceeding 2s. 6d. 11. It is permissible to pay for cabs or taxis to enable players to get from work to the match or to catch a train. If the amount is paid by the player, he should get the driver to initial a voucher for the amount paid. 12. Players must submit a detailed account of all expenses, and on receiving the same must give a formal receipt thereof. We are confident that all clubs and players will faithfully observe these regulations and the spirit behind them, and that no attempt will be made to break through them or to be parties to any illegal payments. The books of the clubs and the vouchers and receipts may be called for at any time; and any offence against the laws and resolutions of the Football Association, the Football League, and especially of these regulations, which are published at the request of many secretaries, would be severely punished. A copy of these regulations should be prominently placed in the office, training or dressing room of each club, so that they may be brought to the knowledge of the player. ------------------ INSURANCE FEDERATION (1915-16). In case of injury to a player the club should at once notify the Secretary of the League, and if the player is likely to be off work for a week or more, such notification should be accompanied by a doctor's certificate stating the nature of the injury and the probable period of incapacity for work. An Employer's certificate should also be forwarded showing the player's weekly earnings. ------------------ In reply to several clubs it was decided that the proper way to ascertain the net gate for computing the percentage for National and Local Institutions was to deduct from the gross gate the following items :- Referee, linesmen, printing, posting, adver- tising, sellers, checkers, and police charges. The Secretary reported that the average receipts for National and Local Institutions for the first three weeks had been over £140. The clubs in the Lancashire Section were contributing 10 per cent. and in the Midland Section 5 per cent., except that Leeds City were contributing 10 per cent. and Lincoln City were contributing in excess of the 5 per cent. by sending £5 each home gate, which they had promised to continue so long as the gates averaged £70 to £80. T. CHARNLEY, Secretary. Castle Chambers, Market Place, Preston, 23rd September, 1915.