[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park,
September 14th 1915.]
Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter & Mr. Green.
Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Exchange The Secretary reported that an arrangement had been made
Telegraph Co. with the Exchange Telegraph Co. for the supply of half
time and final results at Goodison Park for the sum of
10/- per week and that no charge was to be made for such
weeks during which results were not supplied.
Practice The Secretary read letters of thanks from the Stanley
game receipts Hospital, Bootle Borough Hospital and the Hospital
Saturday Fund.
Parker and The Secretary read a letter from Rangers F.C. thanking us
Houston for and accepting our offer of Parker's services and agreeing
to the conditions laid down.
A similar letter was read from Linfield F.C. with respect
to Houston.
Clennell The Secretary reported that Clennell's injury still
precluded him from following his employment and he
was instructed to pay his expenses for week ending Sept. 11th
as follows :-
Weekly wage £2: 2:9
Railway fare Blackpool
and Manchester 7:6
Taxi 3:6
Lunch and Tea 4:0