next meeting move the time of commencement from
7 o'clock to 7:15.
The Secretary reported that at the public practice game
Clennell sustained an injury to his hand which
precluded him from following his employment during
the week ending September 4th and so far as he (the
Secretary) was aware his inability to follow his employ-
ment continued. That as the League Insurance only
covered the Scheduled matches, Clennell could not
obtain from such fund any compensation. That
according to his statement his wages for the week
ending September 4th would have amounted to
£2.2.9. It was resolved that this amount be
paid to him together with 2/6 Doctor's fee paid by
him, 6/9 his rail fare between Blackpool and
Liverpool and 4/- his expenses for lunch and tea.
Septr. 14th 1915 W. R. Clayton