209 not dealt with. Parker and The Secretary reported that he had communicated Houston with the League and F.A. on the question of the eligibility of these players playing for Scotch and Irish Clubs respectively and was informed that so long as such players played as Amateurs and provided a suitable guarantee or undertaking to preserve our transfer rights and to retransfer the players on demand be given, these players could play for any Scotch or Irish Club convenient having regard to their place of residence or employment. The Secretary was instructed to remit £10 to the Football League Mutual Insurance Federation being the first call in respect of the insurance of our players. On the question of advertising our matches it was resolved that such matches be advertised in the Echo and Express only. Goodison Road It was decided that the price of admission to the Double Decker whole of the Goodison Road Double Decker be 1/- and that the booking of seats therefore be discontinued and that such Shareholders (Season Ticket holders) electing to use the Goodison Double Decker be admitted thereto by the office entrance and that sufficient seats in Block D be marked "Shareholders only" for such season ticket holders. That a door be fixed at the top of the office staircase. Season tickets The Secretary reported that under the Articles of Association certain Members of the Everton Club when at Anfield who did not become Shareholders in the present Company