
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, August
		17th 1915]

Present		All the Directors except Mr. Green

Minutes		The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

		The Chairman reported that at the conference between
		himself and the Secretary, representing Everton, and
		Messrs McKenna and Williams, representing Liverpool,
		it had been decided to make the following recommendations
		to each Directorate:-
		1. Programme tender. That the privileges heretofore
		   granted to Mr. E. A. Morton be renewed to him
		   for season 1915-16 and that in lieu of rent
		   33 1/3 per cent of the net profits be paid by him
		   to be shared by the two Clubs equally. That the
		   Liverpool and Everton accounts be kept jointly
		   instead of separately as heretofore, and that free
		   access to Mr. Morton's books and accounts be granted
		   in order to ascertain and check such profits.
		2. That Bovril's tender of £8 for the season 1915-16
		   for privileges heretofore granted to them be accepted.
		3. That all applications for use of the grounds at
		   Goodison Park and Anfield respectively be declined
		   until a further conference of the Clubs be held.
		4. That the price of admission to the ground be 6d
		   to all standing portions, with Stands 1/- and 2/-.
		5. That no pass out checks be distributed.
		6. That no intoxicating liquors be dispensed, on the
		   occasion of matches, on the premises at Goodison
		   Park and Anfield.
		7. That the respective matches be advertised in the
		   evening papers on Thursday's and Friday's only