198 [Meeting of Directors held at the Exchange Station Hotel, August 6th 1915.] Present All the Directors except Messrs Green and Wright. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. English League The Chairman reported that at the meeting of the Lancashire Members of the Lancashire Section at Huddersfield on Section Thursday, July 29th, the rules and arrangements as are set out on page 192 were settled. He also reported that the insurance of players referred to the schedule matches only and that all players must be so informed. Central It was also reported that at the meeting of the Clubs at League Huddersfield it was resolved to suspend the operations of the Central League for an indefinite period. The Secretary was instructed to send cheque for six guineas to the League in payment of the 3 extra Championship medals. Also to pay to Liverpool F.C. the sum of £2.15.0 being our share of the charges for the Military Drill and cartage of Rifles. Programmes The Secretary read letters from E. A. Morton and & Bovril Bovril respectively with reference to the arrangements for the forthcoming season. Mr. Morton, in view of the heavy losses sustained by him last season, made an offer of payment at the rate of 25% of the net profits, whilst Mr. Scattergood, on behalf of Bovril Ltd., offered a rental of £8.