18 we enjoyed the unfettered right to erect the proposed stand on the site of the Gwladys Street properly the object of the proposed purchase could not be attained. Practice Mr. Kelly's action in asking Mr. Sidney Kelly to Ground prepare a plan leading to the disposal of a portion of the practice ground was confirmed. Mr. Kelly intimated that the plan would be ready in a few days. Buckley The Secretary reported his interview with Chris Buckley and stated that Buckley would come to no decision for a month but would arrange another appointment with us before deciding as to his football engagement for next season. Bradshaw The Secretary submitted Bradshaw's application for a reduction of transfer and it was resolved that the Directors visiting London this week end reduce the amount of his transfer and also that of George Beare as they may deem necessary. Advertising The tender of the Programme Syndicate was further Tender considered and it was resolved that subject to a satisfactory agreement being entered into between Mr. Morton and Mr. Hartley the tender of the Programme Syndicate for Programme privileges for season 1914-15 at a fee of £85 be accepted, failing such satisfactory arrangement being arrived at the programme rights be thrown open to competition. McFadyen McFadyen's visit to Goodison Park was reported. Dr. Baxter reported his examination of the player's