17 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, May 19th 1914.] Present All the Directors except Messrs Allman & Coffey. Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Downs The Secretary reported that Barnsley had declined an offer of £2500 from Sheffield Wednesday for this player. That Downs had received his benefit in February last and would consequently be ineligible to receive any percentage. That he was in receipt of £5 per week and consequently it would appear that Downs could have no adequate reason for desiring to change his Club, but they promised to discuss the matter further with us in London on Monday next. Gwladys Street Nos. 2/12 - The Secretary reported that the draft Contract herein had not yet been received nos. 14/36 - That the Vendor declined to waive the restrictions affecting this property and his proposed letter to the Vendor's Solicitors intimating that unless the same were waived we should have no alternative but to cease negotiations, was approved. nos. 38/48 - The Secretary reported his conversation with the Vendor's Solicitors as to a proposed restriction against interfering with the right of light and air &c. of the adjoining properly of the Vendor. The Secretary's proposed letter declining to accept this restriction was approved. Generally - The Secretary advised that these restrictions, particularly in the case of nos. 14/36, would if insisted upon, preclude us from building the proposed stand and it was recognised that unless