THE CENTRAL LEAGUE. TRANSFER LIST. List of Players the EVERTON Club are open to 1915-1916 transfer, and price required for such transfer, for Season 1912-1914. July 26. RULE 8.—"Clubs shall furnish the Secretary, on or BEFORE MAY 3rd, with a List of Players they are open to transfer. Players whom Clubs refuse to re-engage at reasonable wages, and amateur players who are not played regularly, must be placed on the 'Open to Transfer List.' A player who is upon the Transfer List shall be equally eligible to play for his Club as one upon the Retain List, but no player who has been upon the Transfer List can be transferred to the Retain List without being re-signed. The terms of all Transfers on the List must be stated, and in case of any dispute, shall be settled by the Management Committee." NOTE.—Any Player not placed on either the Retain or Transfer Lists shall be at liberty to sign for any other Club. Christian Names of Players must be given. THE FULL NAMES MUST BE GIVEN ALPHABETICALLY AND PLAINLY WRITTEN. 1 Balmer Robert 300 - - 2 Browell Anthony 250 - - 3 Hodge William 50 - - 4 Kirby Frederick G. Free 5 Mercer William Free 6 Peever H. Free 7 Stalker William 50 - - 8 Stevens Thomas 300 - - 9 Turner Gilbert 50 - - 10 Uren Harold J. 500 - -