
192 FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Special Rules for Lancashire Group. LANCASHIRE SECTION. 1.—That the clubs shall have the first claim on their respective players for the coming New Insurance Scheme for season providing that satisfactory arrange- Players. ments can be made which will not interfere with the duties of any player engaged on munition work. The fourteen clubs which will comprise 2.—Any player unable by reason of his the Lancashire Section in the games engagement in munition work to play for his organised by the Football League met at present club may play for any club con- Huddersfield yesterday to consider further venient having regard to the player's resi- arrangements for next season's games. Mr. dence and place of employment. J. M'Kenna presided, and all the clubs, 3.—Any player proposing to play for any including Rochdale and Southport Central, club other than the one to which he has been attended. recently attached must sign a form to the Mr. M'Kenna intimated that the clubs following effect: "I, the undersigned, do had invited Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe and himself hereby elect to play for........club for the to draw up a scheme for the arrangement season 1915-16." of the charity competition. They had gone 4.—A player cannot play for a second club much further, because they felt that it was without the consent in writing of his late necessary to place the competition, in so club or by order of the Management Com- far as it could be accurately described as mittee of the League, but such consent such, on wise lines. They had, therefore, shall not be arbitrarily withheld. Any dealt with other matters, which Mr. Sut- aggrieved player shall have a right of free cliffe would introduce and explain. appeal to the Management Committee. The latter then submitted the appended 5.—Neutral linesmen shall be appointed rules, all of which were unanimously for each match. adopted. 6.—The fees for referees shall be 10s. 6d. The rules define the rights of clubs and and linesmen 5s., plus third-class railway players, fix the price of admission and the fare in each case. fees for referees and linesmen, which, it 7.—The admission fee to each match shall was pointed out, would merely cover out-of- be 6d. All wounded soldiers and sailors to pocket expenses for cabs and meals and be admitted free. occasional broken time. 8.—Ten per cent. of each home gate shall Ten per cent. of the gates right through be deducted and devoted to the assistance the season will be devoted to charitable of national and local institutions. Such purposes, and approved a very simple yet deductions shall be forwarded to the secre- complete scheme for the insurance of tary of the League within three days of players. This seems quite satisfactory the game being played. Of the funds so from the players' point of view. raised 50 per cent. shall be allocated by The representatives are determined to do the League to national institutions, and the all in their power to make the games remaining 50 per cent. shall be allocated answer the purpose of providing the neces- by the clubs to local institutions and contri- sary recreation for the workers, and if the buted through the clubs. Thus the amount League adopts the recommendation of the to be allocated by each club will be one clubs to permit the season to count in the half the amount contributed by such club computation of years of service for benefit to the fund. and transfer purposes the players will find 9.—In the principal competition each club a tangible inducement to take their place shall keep its own gate receipts, but in the with their recognised teams. subsidiary competition in each match the The resolution referred to reads as advertising and gate expenses and the follow:— 10 per cent. provided for by rule 8 shall be "That the clubs of this group recom- deducted, then the home club shall add mend that the League should recognise one eighteenth of the receipts from season this following season as one to which tickets, after which the balance shall be clubs may give effect in computing the divided between the two competing clubs. years of service of a player for benefit pur- 10.—The clubs agree to form a mutual poses or percentage of transfer fee which insurance fund on the following terms:— can be paid to a player under the regular (a) Every player taking part in any League rules." match in connection with the principal These attractions for players, together or secondary competition shall be held with 10 per cent. of 242 gates devoted to insured against injury in such matches charity, should make the games very under this scheme. interesting. (b) In case of injury, the injured player The clubs of the Midland group will meet shall receive in full from the fund the at Sheffield on Saturday at 4 o'clock, amount of the wages earned by him at Messrs. M'Kenna and Dickinson will at- his ordinary employment. tend as representing the League. The Lan- (c) Immediately the player is fit to fol- cashire clubs have set a good lead; they low his employment, all benefits under have doubled the charity contributions of this scheme shall end. the Southern clubs. We hope the Midland (d) If for any period of time a player is clubs will stand side by side with Lan- not able to earn full wages, he shall be cashire. We append the new rules as paid such a weekly sum as will make adopted:— up his loss. (e) This scheme shall be worked and conducted by a committee consisting of Messrs. J. M'Kenna, J. J. Bentley, and C. E. Sutcliffe, and all expenses of work- ing the same shall be paid for out of the funds. (f) Each club shall contribute equally to the fund, and the committee shall make such calls as may be necessary from time to time. (g) At the completion of the scheme any balance in hand shall be divided equally between the clubs.